About me
Photo by Ankh Productions
I'm an avocational theatre artist who brings professionalism and passion to the work. I am a professionally-trained actor, as I completed a two-year course in Sanford Meisner technique under Bill Simmons. I have a particular affinity for Shakespeare, and I've acted in several productions of his work and directed three more. But I'm hardly limited to that, as I've played fathers, police officers, ghosts, salesmen, children, a blue-furred superhero, and even a giant anthropomorphic rat. I've directed brand-new plays, old standbys, and a piece that blended street poetry with conventional narrative.
Why Do I Do What I Do?
I've always needed a creative outlet, and I've always had a vivid imagination. As a child, I wanted nothing more than to be a visual artist. I also dabbled in music--I played the viola in middle school and high school and sang in my college glee club. But no form of artistic expression has stuck with me, fueled me, and fulfilled me like theatre has. For me, theatre is the most immediate way to share the human experience and to stretch our capacity for empathy. Theatre holds up for us what Elvis Costello called the "deep, dark, truthful mirror," but it also lets us laugh and play and indulge our need to be completely ridiculous.
News and Upcoming Projects
In April of 2025, I will be appearing on stage with Southbank Theatre Company in Red Velvet by Lolita Chakrabarti, playing both Terence and Bernard Ward. Earlier that month, I will be taking part in a bold theatrical experiment put on by IndyFringe, for a one-night-only performance involving 20 different directors (including me) and 20 different casts. Then in June, I will be directing a staged reading of Hell's Belle, a new work by local playwright Amalia Howard. This play is one of three finalists in Southbank's "Making History" playwriting contest. The following weekend, I will open as Robert Shaw in The Shark is Broken by Ian Shaw and Joseph Nixon for Cryptid Entertainment. I am continuing to develop a course in acting Shakespeare, which I hope to offer in the very near future.