MONTJOY: "Thus Says My King" from Henry V

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The ubiquitous Jaques "All the world's a stage" monologue from As You Like It. I made this for a project that intercut different actors delivering each line, so I left extra pauses between lines to make that process easier.
jaques: "all the world's a stage" from As You Like It

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king john: direction and sound design, bard fest 2022

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hamlet: direction, bard fest 2019

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Little Shop of Horrors: opening voice-over
At the end of the final dress rehearsal
Directing a rehearsal of King John

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During the height of the pandemic, Bard Fest asked actors to record videos of Shakespeare monologues. I did several; this is one of my favorites. The French herald Montjoy delivers the French king's message to Henry and his beleaguered troops.
Audio-only file of the voice-over from the beginning of Little Shop of Horrors.

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TITUS: "Sirs, Stop their mouths" from Titus Andronicus
Another of the Bard Fest monologue videos from the height of the pandemic.